Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Revolt! Fitness - Week 12

Have I mentioned how much I love the SIMPLICITY of Revolt! Fitness?  Simple but delish meal plans, workouts that anyone at any level can do, either from home or the gym, and results that really happen....can't go wrong with that!!! 

Before starting Revolt! Fitness I was in OK shape and honestly didn't believe wouldn't ever be able really burn up the extra weight from baby #2....in a matter of weeks I was proven wrong!!!  The hubbs too!  We both lost inches and pounds and gained some muscle and tone.  I am always so excited to share Revolt! Fitness with anyone and everyone who wants improve their health because it can change your life and give you the knowledge you need to achieve your goals!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Miss B {Santa Clarita Valencia 91355 Portrait Photographer}

I had the pleasure of taking photos of this sweet little graduate!  Yes, I am behind in posting as we are nearing the beginning of the school year, but I just had to get these up and show the world!  She is darling and such a sweetie.  That pink grad gown just tops it all off : )

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Revolt! Fitness - Week 11

OK so I'm a little behind on my weekly posts but nonetheless I am still on my long lasting path to health and fitness!  I have been following the Revolt! Fitness plan for 11 weeks now and it has been such an eye opener to 1.) How much I've been overeating 2.) The CORRECT portions of sugar, fat and carbs that I should be really taking in on a daily basis.

Can I also say that I am OBSESSED with the flour-less margarita pizza that was on our menu??? SO tasy!!! I could probably eat that every day of my life and never complain.

Hubbs and I have been doing level 3 workouts and I am amazed at how my stamina and strength have improved.  Amazing how doing something consistently will improve in that area over time.  

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